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Randall Rg 80 112 Sc Manual

Parameters ServerName: Specifies the name of the remote server on which the service is located. The name must use the UNC format (' myserver'). To run SC.exe locally, ignore this parameter. ServiceName: Specifies the service name returned by the getkeyname operation. Description: Specifies a description for the specified service. If no string is specified, the description of the service is not modified.

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There is no limit to the number of characters that can be contained in the service description. /?: Displays help at the command prompt. Parameters ServerName: Specifies the name of the remote server on which the service is located. The name must use the UNC format (' myserver'). To run SC.exe locally, ignore this parameter. ServiceName: Specifies the service name returned by the getkeyname operation. Reset= ErrorFreePeriod: Specifies the length of the period (in seconds) with no failures after which the failure count should be reset to 0.

This parameter must be used in conjunction with the actions= parameter. Reboot= BroadcastMessage: Specifies the message to be broadcast upon failure of the service. Command= CommandLine: Specifies the command line to be run upon failure of the service. For more information about how to run a batch or VBS file upon failure, see Remarks.

Actions= FailureActionsAndDelayTime: Specifies the failure actions and their delay time (in milliseconds) separated by the forward slash (/). The following actions are valid: run, restart, and reboot. This parameter must be used in conjunction with the reset= parameter. Use actions= ' to take no action upon failure. /?: Displays help at the command prompt. Remarks • Not all services allow changes to their failure options. Some run as part of a service set.

• To run a batch file upon failure, specify cmd.exe Drive: FileName.bat to the command= parameter, where Drive: FileName.bat is the fully qualified name of the batch file. • To run a VBS file upon failure, specify cscript drive: myscript.vbs to the command= parameter, where drive: myscript.vbs is the fully qualified name of the script file. Sido Maske X. • It is possible to specify three different actions to the actions= parameter, which will be used the first, second, and third time a service fails. • Without a space between a parameter and its value (that is, type= own, not type=own), the operation will fail.

Examples The following examples show how you can use the sc failure command: sc failure msftpsvc reset= 30 actions= restart/5000 sc failure dfs reset= 60 command= c: windows services restart_dfs.exe actions= run/5000 sc failure dfs reset= 60 actions= reboot/30000 sc failure dfs reset= 60 reboot= 'The Distributed File System service has failed. Because of this, the computer will reboot in 30 seconds.' Actions= reboot/30000 sc failure myservice reset= 3600 reboot= 'MyService crashed -- rebooting machine' command= '%windir% MyServiceRecovery.exe' actions= restart/5000/run/10000/reboot/60000 sc getdisplayname Gets the display name associated with a particular service. Remarks • The qc operation displays the following information about a service: SERVICE_NAME (service's registry subkey name), TYPE, ERROR_CONTROL, BINARY_PATH_NAME, LOAD_ORDER_GROUP, TAG, DISPLAY_NAME, DEPENDENCIES, and SERVICE_START_NAME. • Administrators can use SC to determine the binary name of any service and find out if it shares a process with other services by typing the following at the command line: sc qc ServiceName SC can help match up services in the Services node of Microsoft Management Console (MMC) with processes in System Monitor. If the binary name is Services.exe, then the service shares the Service Controller process.

Services.exe starts all services. To conserve system resources, several Win32 services developed for Windows are written to share the Services.exe process. These services are not listed as separate processes in System Monitor or Task Manager. The same is true of Svchost.exe which is a service host process that many operating services share.

There might not be a process for every Win32 service because third-party Win32 services can also be configured to share processes. SC can be used to get configuration information on these services. If a service does not share its process with other services, however, there will be a process for it in System Monitor when the service is running. • SC can be useful for developers of services because it provides more detailed and accurate information about services than Services.exe, which is included with Windows. Services.exe can determine whether a service is running, stopped, or paused. Although these tools are adequate for a debugged application that is running smoothly, the information they provide about a service being developed can be misleading.