Best Sci-fi Fps Games For Pc

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Here's a few to think about: Hard Reset is a damn good game. I highly recommend it, however, the story is a bit thin. You probably won't care though, since the gameplay is so damn good. Singularity is also a very fun game and very underrated in my opinion. I liked the story too, though I don't think a lot of people did. Also, while I don't much care for Half Life, I could definitely see where people could draw comparisons between the two.

Best Sci-fi Fps Games For Pc

So, it has that going for it, since you said you liked Half Life. You may disagree with me on that point if you play it, but to me, it seems like the aesthetic and tone are quite similar. If you're not totally opposed to throwing some third person shooter action in there as well, I highly recommend Binary Domain. The story is a bit unusual but not bad. The aesthetic is also quite good. The only real problem with this game is that the port is pretty bad. If you can overlook some stupid issues, there is a great game to be played here.

Find the best PC Sci-Fi games on. Not only is this easily the best of the Xbox launch games. Crysis is a Sci-Fi FPS game for the PC in which mankind must. Dec 25, 2017 DOOM, Wolfenstein: The New Order, and Half-Life 2 are probably your best bets out of the 9 options considered.

I also really enjoyed Rage. Again, this is a sci-fi shooter with a not-so-good story, if nearly non existent at times, that makes up for it with great shooting mechanics.

Open Nds Files Windows. The guns are all great, and using them is very satisfying. This game had a lot of problems when it was first released on PC, however, most of them have been ironed out by now.

I had no problems when playing it, so if that was a reason you may not have played it before now, I think you will probably be alright. If anything, wait for a Steam sale. I got it for 5 bucks, since I had already played it on Xbox 360 and didn't want to pay full price again. All of the Crysis games are good too. Most will say the first Crysis was the best though. If anything, I would recommend playing the first one.

If you like it, then there's a decent chance you will like two and three. A lot of people blasted two and to a lesser extent, three, for being way more linear than the first game, and while I would have to agree that it is more linear than the first Crysis, it doesn't make the game bad by any means. I thought all the games were great, and had very solid gameplay. I hope it's safe to assume you don't mind older games?

System Shock 1/2, Bungie's Marathon series, the Jedi Knight series, Doom 3 (and the older ones if you haven't yet), Quake 1 and 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein (which while also a WW2 shooter, blends elements of the occult with retro sci-fi), Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay, Unreal 1, and AvP 1 and 2. All I can think of at the moment. All of these have particular elements worthy of a sci-fi FPS enthusiast's attention, if you're able or are willing to put them in the proper historical/technological context. Edit: Scratched P'oed as that isn't a PC game. Don't know about you, but I'm going to go ahead and hit this. I'm going to get myself some of this Sy-Fy goodness.

Not just a piece, but the whole thing. (As a side note, Falserelic, why do you keep spelling sci-fi like the cable channel Sy-Fy?) You see I'm idiot alot of people understand that by now, its a bad habit. Ever since I saw those initials watching that channel. I just can't help to spell it like that for some reason, Its nostalgic. I didn't call you an idiot, I wasn't being an asshole. Don't know about you, but I'm going to go ahead and hit this.

I'm going to get myself some of this Sy-Fy goodness. Not just a piece, but the whole thing. (As a side note, Falserelic, why do you keep spelling sci-fi like the cable channel Sy-Fy?) You see I'm idiot alot of people understand that by now, its a bad habit. Ever since I saw those initials watching that channel.

I just can't help to spell it like that for some reason, Its nostalgic. I didn't call you an idiot, I wasn't being an asshole. I believe you I really do.LOL! I'm just messing around I know you wasn't being mean.

I'm just hyped up to play some wolfenstien on Tuesday. I never had any beefs with anyone on this site. I can't get mad at somebody I've never met. If you're playing Crysis I would say skip 2. I got it on sale recently and it's a poor game compared to both it's predecessor and sequel. The AI is really bad and once I got to the sewers and shot an.

It wasn't a baddy, just a some sort of infected guy, not sure what you'd call him. Anyway, I shot him in the head and he didn't die or flinch. He just stood there muttering. At that point I uninstalled the game and put it in my 'Shit' folder in steam. Also, they scrapped all the crazy physics stuff from the first one, no more punching through walls and throwing people into the sky. Ya, the first one was a pretty great game but 2 was just kind of a shitty knock off of it.