Congressional Fellowship Program Us Army

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1 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – The Army Congressional Fellowship Program is a 3 1/2-year program designed to educate and train selected Army officers, noncommissioned officers and civilians in all aspects of congressional activities, emphasizing matters related to the Department of Defense. Fellows pursue a fully funded master's degree in legislative affairs from George Washington University. (Photo Credit: C. Todd Lopez, Army News Service) 2 / 2 Show Caption + Hide Caption – Maj.

Netherlands Fellowship Program

THE ARMY CONGRESSIONAL FELLOWSHIP EXPERIENCE. United States Army. Army Congressional Fellowship Program and illustrate the value of the program from the. Tim Meadors found the Army Congressional Fellowship Program to be both challenging and rewarding.

Congressional Fellowship Program

Tim Meadors stands next to Congressman Larry Kissell from North Carolina in the U.S. Meadors served as an Army Congressional Fellow on Kissell's staff from January to December 2010. (Photo Credit: Maj. Tim Meadors) WASHINGTON (March 21, 2012) -- After completing company command and three deployments to Iraq, my post-command options seemed limited. Monster Galaxy Moga Cash Hack. Nothing could ever compare to leading troops in combat or the tremendous responsibilities given to captains, junior majors and senior noncommissioned officers in today's high operational tempo.

Admittedly, I became accustomed to operating with very little guidance from my chain of command. My chain of command trusted my judgment and gave me the latitude and autonomy to accomplish a mission.