How To Write .ctl File In Grads

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I would like to know if anyone can help me to find the issue about this code in GrADS language. I'd like to read many files and compute and store them, but when I perform that in GraDS, I have the same answer for all imput file. Could anyone help me in this problem, please?

'reinit' ****Modify here****** var = v10 ano = 1980 while(ano. The problem is that you are never closing your input datafile or resetting grads during your main loop. Consider this example where I open a file:% grads -l ga->open data/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl Scanning description file: data/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl Data file data/semicircle-qv14_00%y4_s.dat is open as file 1 LON set to -79.5 79. Nasm Essentials Corrective Exercise Training Ebook. 5 LAT set to -79.5 79.5 LEV set to 0.05 0.05 Time values set: 0:7:3:0 0:7:3:0 E set to 1 1 Notice that it says open as file 1. Now I'll narrow down my selection to a single grid point and display the pressure: ga->set lat 0 LAT set to 0. August Rush Script Pdf. 125 0.125 ga->set lon 0 LON set to 0.125 0.125 ga->set lev 5 LEV set to 4.92368 4.92368 ga->d prs Result value = 55198.4 The pressure is 551 hPa. Now lets open another data file without closing this one: ga->open data-fine/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl Scanning description file: data-fine/semicircle-qv14_s.ctl Data file data-fine/semicircle-qv14_00%y4_s.dat is open as file 2 Notice this says open as file 2. Lets display pressure from this file: ga->d prs Result value = 55198.4 Wait, this is the same value?

.ctl File ExtensionCtl File Examples