Valued Living Questionnaire Pdf

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For more information visit website: Valued Living Questionnaire: Listed in the central column below are areas of life that are valued by some. Valued Living Questionnaire Below are areas of life that are valued by some people. Measures Package.pdf Author: H.Alberts.

Valued Living Questionnaire Pdf

• 37 Downloads • Abstract A number of cognitive-behavior therapies now strongly emphasize particular behavioral processes as mediators of clinical change specific to that therapy. This shift in emphasis calls for the development of measures sensitive to changes in the therapies’ processes. Among these is acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), which posits valued living as one of its primary core processes. This article offers a definition of values from a behavioral perspective and describes the Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ) as a first attempt at assessment of valued living. The VLQ is a relatively brief and easily administered instrument derived directly from the primary text on ACT. Initial psychometric support for the VLQ suggests that valued living can be measured, even with the most simple of instruments, in such a way as to consider it a possible mechanism of change in ACT and related approaches. Adobe Indesign Cs6 Rapidshare File on this page.

Revised date (4 October 2006) 105 Valued Living Questionnaire (VLQ) Author: Kelly Wilson & Groom The VLQ is an instrument that taps into 10 valued domains of living. Printer-friendly version. The Valued Living Questionnaire is a simple questionnaire originally developed as a clinical tool. It's categories map relatively closely to.

Valued Living Questionnaire Pdf

The Valued Living Questionnaire by Kelly Wilson is a useful tool for assessing and improving the different areas of your life in line with what is most important to you. The Valued Living Questionnaire is a useful tool for assessing and improving the different areas of your life in line with what is most important to you. Taking committed action in line with our values can give us an increased sense of wellbeing and achievement and improve our coping ability, should we encounter a stressful life event.

The Valued Living Questionnaire can be found at the following website: For example, I complete the Valued Living Questionnaire, and rate the following activities: Friends and social life Very important 8 Self care (exercise, diet and relaxation) Very important 9 Then I complete the exercise on Committed Action using SMART goals. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. In order to maximise success, when setting goals it is important to clearly identify the benefits and any barriers to achieving them, together with specific strategies for overcoming the barriers. See the following website for a description of SMART goals: A component of my life I value is friends and social life My intention for this component is to have several close friends with whom I can engage in different activities and interests e.g.