Circus Ponies Notebook 4 License Key

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Circus Ponies Notebook 4

Circus Ponies NoteBook; Circus Ponies NoteBook Icon. Developer(s) Circus Ponies Software, Inc. Last release. Electronic notebook, Notetaking: License: Proprietary.

A man’s dying is more the survivors’ affair than his own. Thomas Mann One of the best programs for the Mac just died. (.) RIP, CPN, I’m going to miss you. No idea why they folded. The software was a joy to use and a great way to work with digital data. The outlines, the notebook metaphor, so many great ideas. Hmm, although there were warning signs months ago — and I did get a couple of comments about its looming end ().

But still surprising and devastating if it actually happens. I’m going to grief for a while, but I’m also going to plan how to get my data out of the CPNs and into another program. Slip In And Out Of Phenomenon Rar: Full Version Software. I guess I have time until I get another mac that uses a version of OS X which CPN does not support. Callbridge Collection V2. But to be on the safe side, I’m going to start looking for alternatives soon (somewhat constrained by being currently swamped by work). Perhaps I’ll use Omni Outliner, perhaps I’ll use another solution. But to look at the positive side of things(*), I’m forced to think about my infrastructure again — in an non-superficial manner. Who knows, it might actually lead to an overall improvement.

But damn, one of the lynchpins of my information infrastructure just died. Something with which I have made a lot of happy memories — mostly creating stuff. *sniff* And thank you CPN for all you allowed me to do. Including one diploma thesis, one dissertation thesis, two books (), and lots and lots and lots of other stuff. (*) Not much can faze me today. It’s been one of those days. Hi Daniel, we exchanged a while ago about CPN and Omnioutliner (to which I moved, following your suggestion, after changing my workflow), and I’m also saddened by the news.

Aquaminds Notetaker (which I liked better and was more stable), then CPN: apart from OO, there is not any viable OPML solution on the market, it’s terrible. And there seems to be a general trend of closure in academic software: Sente seems to have gone belly up as well. Scary, and time consuming as well (moved to Bookends, took some getting used to). As long as Devonthink stays alive, I consider myself safe and lucky. Best, Charles •. Hoi Charles, oh, Sente’s also in trouble?

I mean, on the one hand, it’s a strong reminder who important it is to avoid data islands, but still I would understand it if Microsoft Word would fold — that software is terrible. But Circus Ponies Notebook? Okay, the layout hasn’t changed in ages, but the functionality? Anyway, I’m currently trying out Omni Outliner again. It does have some advantages — although I do miss the notebook style. But I’m still playing around again.

In any case, strange times Best regards Daniel •. Well, the Sente team stopped responding to messages months ago, and suddenly closed their tenderapp, leaving all users to dry – there was a lively community, which provided most of the help, and the shutting down of the forum is simply unacceptable. Well, time to move on / away, which, as it turns out, is not so simple. Can Tago Mago Blogspot Pop. Bookends’ developper built a nice export interface, and was really helpful (even providing a new build within hours) when I ran into troubles, but I discovered that Sente was doing its highlighting not in pdf kit but in some proprietary format which doesn’t export well (or at all): so the annotation and highlighted contents are kept, but the placeholders and highlights themselves are lost (unless one wants to spend hours exporting them by hand – I personnaly have 4657 refs as of today in my main (now Bookends) database). So yes, we should be wary of proprietary systems. I just hope the two other cornerstones of my workflow, namely DTPro and Ulysses, won’t encounter problems as well. But frankly, the sente thing is really related to their business model: program + unlimited server space for 70$, and nothing else for 5 years, that wasn’t sustainable!