Wifi Sector Antenna Design

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2.4 Sector Antenna Design

• A simple homebrew outdoor antenna to 2.4 GHz band. • Building a 2.4GHz vertical collinear omnidirectional antenna • Guide to homebrew your wifi antenna, using a tin can, in this cases using a pringles can. This antennas are also known as cantenna and let you spread your wifi signal. • Here is the design of a 2.4 GHz antenna that is ideal for amateur satellite communications. This antenna is easy to assemble because the design itself tolerates inaccuracies in the construction without really affecting performance. • Build this home made yagi antenna for your 2.4ghz wireless ethernet.

WIFI-WLAN antenna applications, RF communication, antenna types, WIFI antenna design, LAN antenna design.

• Here is how to build a high gain antenna for 2.4 gHz wireless networks. Several hams are experimenting with these devices in an effort to build a network. It is sometimes referred to as Hinternet or HSMM. • Simple USB 802.11b WiFi adapter with original antenna used for this 27 miles long-range wifi connection test by adam 9A4QV. Lynda Foundations Of Audio Compression And Dynamic Processing. • Concise instructions on making a broadband helical antenna for 2.4GHz use, such as: 802.11b wireless networking 2.4GHz video links. • 2.4 Ghz quad antenna • Looking for an inexpensive way to increase the range of your wireless network?