Wordy Gurdy Game

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Wordy Gurdy Game

My Sims Sky Heroes Xbox 360. About a week ago, Wordy Gurdy became the game to play at my household. My Dad and I spent all dinner on Thursday coming up with them, and my Mom has been going crazy from all the Wordy Gurdy madness.

It goes like this: You say a a sentence, usually not a complete sentence, and the other person has to guess the two words that rhyme, have the same number of syllables, and mean the same thing. For example: 'To worship a small metal object' Didjya get it? The Word Gurd was Hail Nail. I'm horrible at thinking of these, but surprisingly good at guessing them.

November feels like the start of holidays, the end of winter – and, even better, being mostly in Scorpio, the Festival of Jackey! Download Tcp/ip Illustrated Volume 2 Pdf. On the festival theme, the month.

And I think it actually has been helping to expand my vocabulary! If the SAT I took yesterday had Wordy Gurdys on them, I would have aced that shit! Pretty unfortunate for every other student in the country, but hey, all is fair in word and war. Here's a few more. If you get one and write it in the comments, you win a super sexy special secret prize.* A Tired flower A Melancholy Man A Cold storage Unit for an Eccentric old man Best, Jaime PS: Sorry if I don't sound like myself today. That is what camping outside on a field for twelve hours will do to you.

Teenagers are a very strange breed. *But not really.

Verbose lyrics Song title Actual lyrics Hank Williams, Jr. -- 'Let it be known that my companions and I not only can remove the hide from a male whitetail, but we can also set up a line for fishing requiring snoods.'

'And we can skin a buck, we can run a trotline' Willie Nelson -- 'Perhaps I did not show my affections toward you nearly as many times as would have been proper. Solid Edge V17 Free Download. ' 'Maybe I didn't love you quite as often as I should have.' Carrie Underwood -- 'With the shaped piece of metal used for the ignition of my car, I damaged the medial area of my lover's immaculate, supercharged heavy-duty pickup.'

'I dug my key into the side of his pretty little, souped-up four wheel drive' Taylor Swift -- 'I liken you unto the tragic young heir of the house of Montague, projecting calculus from his hand.' 'You were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles' Garth Brooks -- 'It is more desirable to let the Fates control our destiny. While I could have avoided the heartbreak, to do so would require me to not participate in our saltation 'Our lives are better left to chance. I could have missed the pain, but I'd have had to miss the dance.' Hall -- 'I enjoy partaking of a beverage made of fermented grain and hops.